Call for Abstract

56th International Conference on Nursing Leadership and Management, will be organized around the theme “Integrating Evidence-Based Practice into Nursing Leadership: Bridging Research and Clinical Excellence”

Nursing Leadership 2025 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Nursing Leadership 2025

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

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Transformational leadership in nursing is a powerful approach that focuses on inspiring and motivating nurses to embrace change and innovation within healthcare. It emphasizes visionary thinking, encouraging nurses to see beyond daily tasks and envision a future where patient care is continually improved. Transformational leaders empower their teams by fostering a culture of collaboration, trust, and professional growth. They promote open communication, solicit ideas, and support initiatives that challenge the status quo, ultimately leading to enhanced patient outcomes and organizational effectiveness. By embodying values such as empathy, integrity, and resilience, transformational nurse leaders not only drive positive change but also cultivate a motivated and engaged workforce dedicated to delivering exceptional care.


Ethical dilemmas in nursing leadership often arise from complex situations where conflicting values, principles, or interests must be carefully navigated. Nurse leaders frequently face decisions that involve balancing patient welfare, staff well-being, organizational priorities, and ethical standards. These dilemmas may involve issues such as resource allocation, end-of-life care, patient autonomy versus beneficence, and conflicts of interest. Effective navigation of these dilemmas requires a strong ethical framework, critical thinking skills, and an ability to engage stakeholders in thoughtful dialogue. Nurse leaders must uphold ethical principles while considering legal obligations and organizational policies, ensuring decisions prioritize patient safety and ethical integrity within the healthcare environment.

 Ethical dilemmas in nursing leadership often arise from complex situations where conflicting values, principles, or interests must be carefully navigated. Nurse leaders frequently face decisions that involve balancing patient welfare, staff well-being, organizational priorities, and ethical standards. These dilemmas may involve issues such as resource allocation, end-of-life care, patient autonomy versus beneficence, and conflicts of interest. Effective navigation of these dilemmas requires a strong ethical framework, critical thinking skills, and an ability to engage stakeholders in thoughtful dialogue. Nurse leaders must uphold ethical principles while considering legal obligations and organizational policies, ensuring decisions prioritize patient safety and ethical integrity within the healthcare environment.

Crisis management in nursing involves the strategic leadership and coordination required to navigate emergencies effectively within healthcare settings. Nurse leaders must be prepared to respond swiftly and decisively to various crises, such as natural disasters, infectious disease outbreaks, or patient care incidents. This includes implementing emergency protocols, allocating resources efficiently, and ensuring the safety of patients and staff. Effective crisis management also involves clear communication, both internally among healthcare teams and externally with stakeholders and authorities. Nurse leaders play a pivotal role in maintaining calm, providing guidance, and fostering resilience among their teams to mitigate the impact of crises and maintain continuity of care.

Building and sustaining high-performance teams in nursing involves creating a supportive environment where collaboration, communication, and mutual respect thrive. Nurse leaders play a pivotal role in fostering team cohesion by promoting shared goals, leveraging individual strengths, and encouraging continuous professional development. Effective team building includes establishing clear roles and responsibilities, fostering open dialogue, and cultivating a culture of trust and accountability. Nurse leaders also empower teams by providing resources and recognition, facilitating a positive work environment that enhances job satisfaction and ultimately improves patient outcomes. By investing in team dynamics and nurturing a culture of excellence, nurse leaders can sustain high-performance teams that adapt to challenges and deliver quality care consistently.

Healthcare policy and advocacy are critical roles for nurse leaders in influencing systemic change and improving patient care. Nurse leaders advocate for policies that promote patient safety, access to quality care, and professional autonomy for nurses. They engage in legislative processes, collaborate with stakeholders, and leverage evidence-based practices to shape healthcare policy. Effective advocacy involves raising awareness about healthcare issues, mobilizing support among colleagues and the community, and participating in professional organizations to amplify nursing voices. Nurse leaders strive to bridge gaps between policy-makers and frontline healthcare providers, ensuring that policies reflect the needs and perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals alike, thereby fostering positive change in healthcare systems.